
Ayurveda (Coming Soon)

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient system of holistic medicine, dating back to over 5,000 years ago and originating in India. Its meaning translates to knowledge or science of life. The goal of Ayurveda is to bring balance and health to the entirety of one's being; body, mind and spirit.

Ayurveda teaches that we are a microcosm of a macrocosm; meaning that the elements, which make up the universe (macrocosm), also exist within our bodies (microcosm). These elements, ether, air, fire, water, and earth, reside in each individual in different quantities. The combination of these elements form 3 Doshas: Vata, Pita, and Kapha. Vata consists of ether and air, Pitta contains fire and water, while Kapha is composed of earth and water. An individual's constitution or prakriti is made up of one or more of these three Doshas.

Ayurveda maintains the principle that like increases like. By identifying your constitution and becoming aware of which elements are most present in your body, you can utilize this principle, incorporating diet and lifestyle changes that bring balance. For example, if a person has a primarily Vata constitution, ether and air, incorporating moist foods and grounding activities would help to balance the very mobile and dry qualities of Vata.

Ayurveda promotes harmony in body. mind, and spirit through proper nutrition, lifestyle, and awareness. An Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb proclaims, "If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If diet is correct, medicine is of no need." Ayurvedic body treatments, help to facilitate relaxation, detoxify the body, and increase circulation to the muscles, tissues and organs, to aid and actify the body's natural healing processes.

My Ayurvedic Services have been paused for the time being while I find the perfect place to offer this powerfully restorative work. I will update the site as soon as these services are available again. Thank you for your interest in these therapeutic treatments!

Tips for treatment

Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a head-covering, such as a bandana or hat (that you don't mind getting oily).

Eat lightly before treatment.

Avoid abhyanga during menstruation.


“The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.”

Depak Chopra


A full body treatment where warm oil is applied to the body. Gentle pressure with strokes away from the heart are used to move lymph and improve circulation. This aids in the removal of toxins, nourishes the skin, and activates the body’s healing systems.

Benefits of abhyanga:

• Greatly diminishes the aging process, increasing longevity and the sturdiness of the body

• Reduces and helps to overcome fatigue

• Promotes better eyesight

• Nurtures the nervous system; aiding in the improvement of its afflictions and preventing additional illness

• Improves sleep and can help with insomnia


A gentle stream of warm herbalized oil is continuously poured onto the forehead from a copper vessel. Shirodhara deeply stills the nervous system, quieting the mind, while increasing and improving cerebral circulation. It integrates brain function and creates brain wave coherence. After this occurs, energy, oxygen and nutrients can flow more freely to the brain.

Benefits of shirodhara:

• Improves memory

• Nourishes hair and scalp

• Treats insomnia; promotes sound sleep

• Calms body, mind, and spirit

• Activates pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus, which regulates all the body’s hormones

• Opens the 3rd eye (6th Chakra), increasing spiritual awareness.

Little Om Yoga and Massage LLC

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